Video Uploader Features
- Drag & Drop
- AJAX (no Submit, page reload required to upload more videos)
- multi video support
- easy mass upload (select multiple and drag)
- upload status box that shows video link when ready without need to reload page
- live progress bar for each upload
- unpredictable secure upload file names
- fallback to standard upload (for older browsers, devices)
- mobile video upload (iOS6+, Android 3+: prompts user to record new video or select from camera roll)
Video Processing / Coversions
After uploading a video, solution does necessary processing for listing and displaying the video to site users. This involves:
- extract video info like duration, resolution, codecs
- extract snapshot to display in listings
- generate a HTML5 video preview (few seconds of video at low resolution to play on mouse hover)
- generate a HTML5 video for older mobiles, at lower bitrate/resolution and encoding complexity
- generate a high quality HTML5 video to playback on most browsers and devices
- optionally, generate HLS segments for HLS playback (streaming by segment playlist instead of access to full video file)
Encoding codecs, parameters, bitrate for video and audio are configurable from backend settings.